Written by: Kaynat Fatima ,Pharm.D Bbahudin Zakriya University Multan
The most critical thing you could possibly do for your country, for the health care workers on the frontlines, and for the health of your community is to stay home COVID-19 to help others”
But what if you want to do even more for your country and community? For health care workers, friends, family, and those in need? There are ways to help from home.
How you can help healthcare workers
Healthcare workers are our heroes on the front lines. And while they become superheroes in our hearts and minds, they are also human beings. They are prone to the same sickness, stress, and fatigue they’re helping their patients battle. Here’s what you can do:
Give a care package.
If you’re the one who can meet the need for snacks or a meal, you’ll be saving time for very busy, very tired healthcare workers. Put together a package of energizing snacks and drop it off at the workplace or use a trusted food delivery service to send healthy lunches.
Give blood.
Because the nation’s blood supply is very low, now is a good time to donate blood to make sure there’s a stable supply during and after the pandemic. And are making sure the process meets the highest standards of safety.
Give needed assistance and materials.
By donating money to a trusted organization, you can help fund medical supplies, support communities in need, increase research, and much more. For example, the Flow of Funds Division Statistics & DWH Department provides resources through the JDC Foundation, and Arise Educational & Health Foundation. A nonprofit resource to support vital health protection work.
How you can help older adults
They’re our parents and grandparents, our friends and neighbors. And they’re the ones that are the most vulnerable to the effects of the disease. Physical distancing may mean that some older adults can’t leave their homes. This can make them feel isolated or in need of more support. Here’s what you can do:
Give your time. This is the biggest gift you can give an older adult and it can take many forms, such as:
- Check-in by calling, using technology such as FaceTime, writing letters, and sending cards.
- Help a neighbor with outdoor tasks like taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, and getting the mail.
- Arrange for meal delivery or provide a list of easy recipe ideas.
- Pick up groceries and medicines.
- Chat with them from a safe distance outdoors, if the weather allows (and you’re wearing face masks).
How you can help others
People in need.
There are many people in our country who can’t afford to stock up on groceries or have food delivered to their homes. School closures have also made it difficult for children to get the free meals they depend on during the week and over the weekend through backpack programs. As you’re writing your grocery list, add a few extra items and drop them off at your local food bank. You can also donate online to a local or national food pantry program. That way,
those in need can get food staples for free or at a lower cost.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget the workers on the front lines —— they need our encouragement and support too so we thank you to the thousands of grocery store workers, nurses, healthcare workers, food processing workers